Beautiful Japanese Culture: Sumo

Chapter 1: Introduction to Sumo

I think there are many people who don’t know about sumo, which is an important part of Japanese culture, so I would like to introduce it to you.

Sumo is a traditional sport that has been around since ancient times in Japan, and is also called the national sport. In this sport, two wrestlers face each other on a circular clay stage called the ring, and the match is decided by pushing the opponent out of the ring or touching part of the opponent’s body to the ground. Although the rules are simple, there are complex techniques, strategies, and spiritual aspects behind them.

The history of sumo can be traced back to Japanese mythology. According to legend, sumo wrestling matches between the gods were the deciding factor in determining the land of Japan. Thus, since ancient times, sumo has been considered sacred and was often performed during festivals and ceremonies. The modern form of sumo is also a strong reflection of its tradition and sacredness. The sight of sumo wrestlers entering the ring and stepping on the four legs conveys their feelings of prayer and gratitude to the ancient gods.

Sumo is not only a sport, but also has a very high place in Japanese tradition, culture, and society. Sumo wrestlers are required not only to have their physique and technique, but also to have a good daily attitude, manners, and mental discipline. Additionally, sumo wrestlers live in a strict class system, and in order to become the top-ranked yokozuna, they are not only tested for winning, but also for their style and dignity.

Also, sumo is not just for men. Although women are not officially allowed to compete in sumo, there are some sumo events held by women in local and regional areas. This can be said to be proof that sumo is deeply rooted even among the common people of Japan.

Watching the powerful battles of sumo wrestlers is extremely exciting for the audience as well. One of the unique charms of sumo is that you can feel the strategies and techniques that are used by the wrestlers, as well as the movements of their minds that make full use of their large bodies.

In this way, sumo is deeply engraved in Japanese tradition, culture, and people’s hearts. Through its history, background, and modern-day appearance of sumo, we can learn about a part of Japan’s beautiful culture.

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Chapter 2: Historical and cultural background

We will tell you how sumo has developed in Japan until now, including history and culture.

Sumo has ancient origins, and clay figurines and wall paintings reminiscent of sumo have been found in ruins from the Jomon and Yayoi periods. This suggests that sumo has existed in Japanese life since ancient times.

In ancient times, sumo was held during festivals to dedicate the fruits of agricultural labor to the gods and during rituals to pray for a good harvest. It is said that sumo during this period was more of a means of communication between the gods and people. Sumo also played an important role for samurai and soldiers, as it was held as a ritual to pray for victory before battle.

In the Heian period, sumo began to be featured in festivals and events in the capital, and became popular among court nobles and monks. It is said that during this period, sumo began to take on aspects of mere entertainment and sport.

In the Middle Ages, sumo became popular among samurai and samurai, who refined their techniques and strategies. In addition, sumo wrestlers began to form certain organizations and groups, and tournaments and matches were held in their respective regions. From this period, sumo became popular among the common people, and many people began to enjoy it.

In the Edo period, sumo further developed as urbanization progressed. Large sumo halls were built in Edo, especially in Ryogoku, and large-scale tournaments and performances began to take place. Also, from this period onwards, the current class system for sumo wrestlers and the ranking system were established.

In the modern era, sumo became increasingly recognized as a national sport, and after the Meiji Restoration, the first yokozuna was born, and the sport continued to develop further.

In this way, sumo has developed along with Japanese history and culture from ancient times to modern times. This is proof that sumo is deeply rooted in the hearts and lives of Japanese people. This beautiful culture will continue to be passed down to the next generation.

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Chapter 3: Sumo in modern times

Let me introduce you to what sumo is like in modern Japan.

Speaking of sumo, many Japanese people strongly recognize it as a national sport. In fact, today’s sumo has established itself as a professional sport that is supported by many fans both in Japan and abroad.

Modern sumo is organized by the Japan Sumo Association, with honbasho held six times a year around the country. In particular, the sumo matches held at Ryogoku Kokugikan in Tokyo, including those broadcast on TV, attract the attention of many viewers. In addition, each location has its own unique atmosphere and characteristics: the first venue (Tokyo), the spring venue (Osaka), the summer venue (Tokyo), the Nagoya venue (Nagoya), the autumn venue (Tokyo), and the Kyushu venue (Fukuoka). there is.

Sumo wrestlers, from young wrestlers to ozeki and yokozuna, practice and compete daily under a strict class system. In particular, yokozuna, as sumo wrestlers who stand at the top of the sumo world, are respected by many Japanese as a position that requires not only high skill, but also dignity and humanity.

Modern sumo has an international aspect, with not only Japanese wrestlers participating, but also wrestlers from around the world, including Mongolia, Eastern Europe, and Hawaii. More and more foreign-born wrestlers are being promoted to ozeki and yokozuna, indicating that the world of sumo is becoming increasingly international.

Furthermore, modern sumo, while still valuing traditional elements, has seen an increase in new attempts and events. For example, opportunities for sumo wrestlers to interact with fans are increasing, such as tours that visit local cities, events where they interact with children, and sumo classes for women only.

However, there are challenges in the modern sumo world. There is also a persistent voice that people are hesitant to incorporate new trends because they are too bound by tradition and customs. Additionally, in the past, scandals involving wrestlers and problems with the organization have been talked about.

Even so, sumo continues to be loved by many people as both a traditional Japanese culture and a sport. The appeal and role of sumo in modern Japan will continue to attract great attention.

Chapter 4: Famous works featuring sumo

Let’s take a look at some of the famous works that feature sumo.

Since sumo has been deeply connected to Japanese culture and history since ancient times, various works have been influenced by it. From literature to movies, anime, and manga, there are many works that use sumo as their theme, recreating its charm and drama.

First, in the world of literature, there is Osamu Dazai’s “Late Years.” This novel gives a glimpse of Osamu Dazai’s own love of sumo, and depicts the harshness of the world of sumo and the human drama. This is a book that allows you to feel the deep side of sumo, such as the lives of sumo wrestlers, the battles in the ring, and the changes of time that flow in the background.

Looking at the film world, “Ryogoku Elegy” is a work that depicts the light and shadow of the sumo world. This film realistically depicts the harshness and warmth of the sumo world, centering on the growth, setbacks, and comeback of one young wrestler.

Even in the fields of manga and anime, there are many works that use sumo as a theme. Among them, “Hinomaru Sumo” is known as a recent hit. This manga, set in high school sumo, is loved by many fans as it depicts the pure passion, friendship, and challenge of sumo, as the diminutive protagonist battles against his bulky rivals.

In addition, the anime “Noppono” is a heartwarming work that depicts girls trying out sumo. The theme of this anime is the importance of taking on challenges and the fusion of tradition and new values by showing girls bravely taking on sumo, a traditional men’s sport.

Through these works, sumo is not only seen as a simple sport or traditional culture, but its charm and drama are recreated in a variety of forms of entertainment. Works about sumo are all about sumo’s sincere attitude, human drama, and weight of tradition, and they leave a deep impression on readers and viewers.

Chapter 5: Summary

This is a summary about sumo.

When talking about Japanese culture, various elements are mentioned, such as the tea ceremony, flower arranging, and haiku, but among them, sumo wrestling is particularly powerful and captures the hearts of Japanese people. In this chapter, we will summarize what has been covered so far and reaffirm the appeal of sumo and its background.

Sumo is a multifaceted sport, with its history and culture, contemporary situation, and cultural and entertainment aspects. It has been performed during Shinto rituals and festivals since ancient times, and it matured as a form of entertainment for people through the Sengoku and Edo periods. Behind this is a deep connection with Japan’s unique view of nature and religion, and the battles of sumo wrestlers in the ring are not only a sport, but also a deep history and culture behind it. It has become.

Furthermore, even in modern times, sumo continues to maintain its popularity. The Roppongi and regional sumo tournaments are watched by many fans on TV and online, and the performances of new wrestlers, traditional rituals, and dramatic developments captivate fans.

Furthermore, sumo has been featured in many works. The appeal and drama of sumo are recreated in entertainment such as novels, movies, anime, and manga, conveying its appeal to many people. Through these works, sumo is showing its presence not only as a sport or traditional culture, but also as a form of entertainment.

Finally, sumo remains an attractive part of Japanese culture and in the hearts of people. Through its deep history and culture, as well as various modern aspects, sumo provides us with a lot of excitement and value. I hope that this beautiful Japanese culture, sumo, will continue to be loved by many people.